ClickCease BIaaS Setup - Ahsay Backup
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Ahsay Backup Infrastructure as a Service
Let You Start Offering Managed Backup Instantly

Do you want to start earning handsome recurring income from offering Managed Backup Service quickly? Now you can! By subscribing to Ahsay Backup Infrastructure as a Service (BIaaS), we will provide you with an AhsayCBS instance running on an Azure's cloud VM, so that you can start offering managed backup service to your end customers instantly!

AhsayCBS Instance Runs on Azure Cloud VM

We'll prepare a dedicated AhsayCBS web management console running on a shared VM on Microsoft Azure cloud platform for you. If you need a dedicated VM for running your AhsayCBS, we can prepare it for you with an additional charge based on your actual requirements for the VM.

Backup Destinations of Your Choice

There is no storage associated with this BIaaS service. You can provision any supported cloud storage (e.g. Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace, etc.) or your own FTP / SFTP servers as the backup destination options for your backup users to choose.

Monitored and Managed by Ahsay

Your AhsayCBS and the underlying VM will be monitored and managed 24 x 7 x 365 by our professional team backed with 99.9% uptime guarantee. Whenever there's a update of AhsayCBS available, we can update it for you upon your approval.

Users and Resellers Managed by Yourself

You only need to take care of your backup user related matters, including user and backup destination management, backup and restore jobs monitoring, group policy management, billing and reseller management (for MSPs), etc.

Pay as you Go

By paying a small startup fee, you can have your backup service up and running. Afterward, everything will be on pay as you go basis, including the infrastructure management fee and the software usage fee based on our Meter pricing model.

Easy DIY Rebranding

Your AhsayCBS as well as the AhsayOBM and AhsayACB client agents can be easily rebranded by yourself through the AhsayCBS web console. All graphics and wordings can be rebranded and customized.

Request a Demo Account

Please give us your contact details so that we can better support you.

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