ClickCease Ahsay를 사용하여 랙 스페이스에 데이터 백업
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랙 스페이스(Rackspace)를 백업 저장소로 사용 하기

AhsayOBM 및 AhsayACB 클라이언트 백업 응용 프로그램은 사용자의 Rackspace 계정 또는 AhsayCBS에 사전 설정한 전용 Rackspace 계정에 직접 데이터 백업을 지원합니다.

랙 에이전트에 직접 백업하는 클라이언트 에이전트
사용자의 Rackspace 계정으로 백업
MSP의 사전 설정한 Rackspace 계정으로 백업
정책을 통한 랙 스페이스 옵션 활성화 / 비활성화

작동 방법

How to setup policy for Rackspace backup

The policy in AhsayCBS allows administrator to: a). Enable / disable users to back up to their own Rackspace accounts, and b). Enable / disable users to back up to a dedicated Rackspace account predefined in AhsayCBS.

To enable users to back up to their own Rackspace accounts:

Go to "AhsayCBS web console > Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Policy Group". Select an existing policy or create a new policy. Then, enable the feature "Backup Set Settings > Destination Visible to Users". After this feature is enabled, you can add "Rackspace" under Standard Destination.

Then, assign users to an appropriate User Group that is bound to this policy, and these users will be able to back up to their own Rackspace accounts.

To enable users to back up to a dedicated Rackspace account predefined in AhsayCBS:

You need to create a Predefined Destination first by going to "AhsayCBS web console > System Settings > Basic > Predefined Destinations" and adding a dedicated Rackspace account there.

After the above step, go to "AhsayCBS web console > Backup / Restore > Users, Groups & Policies > Policy Group". Select an existing policy or create a new policy. Then, enable the feature "Backup Set Settings > Destination Visible to Users" and add the predefined "Rackspace" under Predefined Destination.

Then, assign users to an appropriate User Group that is bound to this policy, and these users will be able to choose the predefined Rackspace account as the backup destination. As you can see from the following image, only the customized destination name will be shown. The Rackspace image will not be shown. Therefore, if you don't want the backup users to known the type of destination used, you can simply enter a name without the destination type, such as My Backup Server.