ClickCease Ahsay Backup Software Features - Flexible Backup Schedule
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Flexible Backup Schedule

Both AhsayOBM and AhsayACB client agents allow users to define flexible multiple backup schedules in each backup set. In general, it is recommended that a daily backup be performed for a server or desktop. For mission critical server, a backup schedule should be configured according to the requirement of your disaster recovery plan.


Daily - Backup job will run everyday at a specific time under this schedule type.
Weekly - Backup job will run on specific day(s) of a week, at a specific time under this schedule type.
Monthly - Backup job will run on specific day of a month (date, or special criteria such as first weekend, last weekday), at a specific time under this schedule type.
Custom - Backup job will run on specific day of a year (date), at a specific time under this schedule type.

Multiple schedules

Multiple backup schedules of different type (e.g. daily, weekly) can be configured for each backup set. For example, you can have:

- A daily backup schedule starting at 10:00
- A daily backup schedule starting at 18:00
- A weekly backup schedule on every Friday starting at 12:00
