ClickCease Ahsay Backup Software Features - Continuous Backup
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Continuous Backup

Both AhsayOBM and AhsayACB client agents provide a simple retention option, allowing to easily set the number of days or backup jobs to retain the data that have been deleted in the backup source. Simply choose to run retention policy after a backup, and CloudBacko will help your purge the data which are out of the retention period.


In AhsayOBM, multiple settings are available for you to customize this feature, including the time interval within which a snapshot will be kept, how often an updated file is backed up, and the minimum size for applying the continuous backup. It also allows you to set exclude filters for Continuous Backup for excluding unwanted files or folders for Continuous Backup.


In AhsayACB, Continous Backup comes with fewer options as it is designed for workstation backup.