ClickCease White-label Cloud-Hosted Backup Solution for MSPs - Ahsay
AhsayCBS v
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Ahsay Free Trial Registration
Ahsay offers two types of backup solutions:
Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service 15-day free trial registration
Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS)
For MSPs who prefer not to host or maintain their backup server and infrastructure. With a simple storage-based pricing model, with the option of using either an Ahsay branded or a co-branded service.
No hardware provisioning required.
​No storage provisioning required.​
​No complicated server installation.​
​No advanced technical skills required.​
​No Hassle! Up and running in no time at all.​
The smartest way to start your backup business is to sign up with Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a Service. A platform which allows MSP’s to quickly start their backup business with minimal cost, risk, and time.
As the backup server is hosted and monitored by Ahsay, you can offload all AhsayCBS backup server maintenance and management tasks to our experience IT team. Leaving you to focus 100% on marketing, sales, and customer service to grow your backup business.
A private pre-installed and configured
backup server instance.​
A pre-configured login account to AhsayCBS
backup server web admin console.
​​A customized unique URL​
​A pre-configured AhsayOBM user account.​​
100GB of free cloud storage.
​The login credentials for your environment.​
Register Now!
Click here to Register Now for a 15-day free trial!
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White-Label Cloud-Hosted Backup Solution for MSPs

Multi-Tier, Multi-Tenant
with Branding, API, Central Management

Offer Self-Hosted White-Label Managed Backup Service with Ahsay Cloud Backup Suite

Looking for a white-label managed backup solution for offering managed backup service to your end customers? Ahsay Cloud Backup Suite is a robust, feature-rich, yet affordable white-label managed backup solution that can fulfill your need.

MSP-side Customer-side
  • Server-side central management deployable in traditional datacenter or on cloud VM (hardwareless)
  • Backup data can be hosted on physical or cloud object storage
  • Server-side replication to offsite server or public cloud
  • Live activities monitoring for backup, restore and replication
  • Daily consolidated email report for system administrator
  • Fully rebrandable into your own brandname
  • Comprehensive endpoint backup options, e.g. Exchange, SQL, Oracle, MySQL, Lotus Domino, VMware, Hyper-V, Microsoft 365, cloud to cloud, etc.
  • Fast multi-thread incremental backup to your datacenter or your public cloud storage account
  • Data retention policy and file versioning
  • Daily and per job email reports to clients
  • End to end encryption, compression, in-file deduplication

Flexible deployment options

The whole Ahsay's solution is with flexible client-server architecture. AhsayCBS server-side centralized management console can be installed on your own backup server hosted in your datacenter, on cloud VM such as Microsoft Azure, or on backup appliances deployed in your customers' offices. Users' backup data can be stored on your own backup server, or on cloud storage such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon S3, etc., or the locally deployed backup appliances. The AhsayOBM / AhsayACB client agents are for installing on the servers, workstations that need to be backed up. With proper configuration, your customers' data will be automatically backed up or replicated to your managed storage.

The following are some common deployment options that our existing partners adopted:
        Option 1: AhsayCBS and backup data hosted in your datacenter
        Option 2: AhsayCBS and backup data hosted in public cloud (hardwareless deployment)
        Option 3: Deploy backup appliance at customer's site and replicate to your datacenter
        Option 4: Deploy backup appliance at customer's site and replicate to dedicated replication appliance

Cloud-Hosted AhsayCBS Backup Server and Backup Data
(Hardwareless Deployment)

Pros Cons
  • Zero hardware investment on MSP side.
  • Unlimited scalability on cloud VM and storage.
  • On demand usage fee for cloud VM and storage.
  • Customers get two backup copies, one at their local site for fast daily restoration, and the other in your cloud storage for disaster recovery.
  • Large initial backup data can be seeded to your cloud storage if your provider offers seeding service.
  • Your backup server hosted in cloud VM and storage are covered by your provider's SLA.
  • Might not be able to fulfill regulatory requirement on keeping backup data within customer's own country if your provider cannot offer hosting of VM and storage in your local country.

If you don't have any available server hardware and storage in datacenter, or you don't want to invest in and maintain any physical hardware for running your managed backup service, then you can deploy AhsayCBS on a cloud VM, and get your users' backup data stored on public cloud storage. The actual cloud storage used can be transparent to your customers, i.e. you can hide the name and logo of cloud storage by replacing them with generic icon and name.

Same as option 1, on each of your customers' machine, either install AhsayOBM or AhsayACB client backup application. With proper configuration of backup schedules and destinations, AhsayOBM or AhsayACB will automatically backup to their local storage (e.g. a file server) and your selected public cloud storage account, e.g. Azure Cloud Storage.

We suggest you to choose a cloud storage provider which allows you to seed data to the cloud storage with portal hard disk, e.g. Microsoft Azure. If so, for large initial backups, instead of backing up through the Internet, you can get the customer to seed the backup from their local machine to a portable hard drive, so that you can deliver the hard drive to your provider for seeding to your cloud storage account.

For casual data loss caused by accidental deletion, software failure, etc., your customers can quickly restore data from their local backup.

When a severe disaster strikes a customer's site, you can help them rebuild their hardware first, get AhsayOBM or AhsayACB installed on the new hardware, and then restore the backup data from your public cloud storage onto those new hardware through AhsayOBM and AhsayACB.

To speed up the restoration of large data, you can request your cloud storage provider to seed the backed up data to portable hard-drive from your cloud storage and deliver it your customer's site instead of going through the Internet.

You can increase the redundancy level of your cloud VM and storage by choosing geographic redundancy option to prevent data loss due to local cloud storage failure.

Top Notch Support

Our native English Support Service runs from 9am to 2am everyday Monday to Friday Hong Kong time (GMT+8) that has coverage for most timezones. You can contact us by "Phone", "Ticket" and "Live Chat". If you need 24x7 support, you can subscribe to our Premium Support Service.

Competitive Pricing

We offer the most competitive and flexible pricing. If you want to rebrand our software, just pay a low one-time rebranding option fee.

How to Download and Try

Download the trial version of AhsayCBS centralized management console. A 60 days free trial key has been bundled within the AhsayCBS trial software already.
Install it on a physical machine or VM, and then get the AhsayCBS machine's IP / domain accessible by other computers. Refer to this Quick Start Guides for installation, basic configuration, and getting the AhsayOBM/ACB client side data backed up to the server. Here's a video demo on the initial AhsayCBS server configuration.
Follow this AhsayOBM quick start guide or AhsayACB quick start guide to create your first backup set to backup data to your AhsayCBS or other supported cloud storage.
The rebranding process cannot be tested with a trial license. But the procedure is simple. This video shows you how you can do it in your AhsayCBS web console.

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