ClickCease Backup data to DreamHost's DreamObjects Cloud Storage with Ahsay
AhsayCBS v
Release date:
Ahsay Free Trial Registration
Ahsay offers two types of backup solutions:
Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service 15-day free trial registration
Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS)
For MSPs who prefer not to host or maintain their backup server and infrastructure. With a simple storage-based pricing model, with the option of using either an Ahsay branded or a co-branded service.
No hardware provisioning required.
​No storage provisioning required.​
​No complicated server installation.​
​No advanced technical skills required.​
​No Hassle! Up and running in no time at all.​
The smartest way to start your backup business is to sign up with Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a Service. A platform which allows MSP’s to quickly start their backup business with minimal cost, risk, and time.
As the backup server is hosted and monitored by Ahsay, you can offload all AhsayCBS backup server maintenance and management tasks to our experience IT team. Leaving you to focus 100% on marketing, sales, and customer service to grow your backup business.
A private pre-installed and configured
backup server instance.​
A pre-configured login account to AhsayCBS
backup server web admin console.
​​A customized unique URL​
​A pre-configured AhsayOBM user account.​​
100GB of free cloud storage.
​The login credentials for your environment.​
Register Now!
Click here to Register Now for a 15-day free trial!

Using DreamHost DreamObjects Cloud Object Storage as the Backup Destination

AhsayOBM and AhsayACB client backup application supports backing up data directly to a user's own DreamHost DreamObjects Cloud Object Storage, or a dedicated DreamHost DreamObjects bucket predefined on AhsayCBS.

Directly backup to DreamHost DreamObjects Cloud Object Storage
Backup to user's own DreamHost DreamObjects account
Backup to predefined DreamHost DreamObjects account
Enable / disable DreamHost DreamObjects option via policy

How to configure DreamHost DreamObjects as a backup destination in AhsayOBM

1). After logging into DreamHost's DreamObjects console, select "Cloud Services"

2). Select "DreamObjects"

3). A user has been created for you. Click "Show Secret Key"

4). This pair of keys will be used in AhsayOBM when creating the destination

5). Click "Add Bucket"

6). Enter your preferred bucket name and click "Add Bucket"

7). Click "Change Settings" for the created bucket

8). The portion without the bucket name will be used in AhsayOBM when creating the destination

9). Go to your AhsayOBM backup software and select Backup Sets

10). Create a new backup set, or select an existing backup set

11). Add a new destination

12). Choose "AWS S3 Compatible Cloud Storage"

13). Enter all the required info of your DreamHost's DreamObjects cloud storage account, then click "Test"

14). The software can successfully connect to DreamHost's DreamObjects cloud storage account

15). Save the destination info to your backup set

16). Then, we can try a backup to DreamHost's DreamObjects by clicking "Backup"

17). Select the corresponding backup set

18). Select DreamHost's DreamObjects as the backup destination and click "Backup"

19). Backup can successfully run

Got question on this destination?

Just let us know your question. We will get back to you within 1 business day.