ClickCease Mobile backup solution - Ahsay
AhsayCBS v
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Ahsay Free Trial Registration
Ahsay offers two types of backup solutions:
Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service 15-day free trial registration
Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS)
For MSPs who prefer not to host or maintain their backup server and infrastructure. With a simple storage-based pricing model, with the option of using either an Ahsay branded or a co-branded service.
No hardware provisioning required.
​No storage provisioning required.​
​No complicated server installation.​
​No advanced technical skills required.​
​No Hassle! Up and running in no time at all.​
The smartest way to start your backup business is to sign up with Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a Service. A platform which allows MSP’s to quickly start their backup business with minimal cost, risk, and time.
As the backup server is hosted and monitored by Ahsay, you can offload all AhsayCBS backup server maintenance and management tasks to our experience IT team. Leaving you to focus 100% on marketing, sales, and customer service to grow your backup business.
A private pre-installed and configured
backup server instance.​
A pre-configured login account to AhsayCBS
backup server web admin console.
​​A customized unique URL​
​A pre-configured AhsayOBM user account.​​
100GB of free cloud storage.
​The login credentials for your environment.​
Register Now!
Click here to Register Now for a 15-day free trial!
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Easy Mobile Backup Solution

Backup photos, videos, audio, and documents
Simple. Secure. Free!
Provide 2-Factor Authentication on CBS/OBM/ACB Login
Fully Rebrandable
Send Push Notification to Users

mobile backup solution - Ahsay

Nowadays, a mobile phone contains abundant precious photos and videos taken everyday with family and friends. Losing those precious memories are priceless that couldn't be recovered at any cost. Now with Ahsay Mobile app, you can automatically back up those precious photos and videos to the user's Windows / Mac computer whenever the mobile phone and tablet device are connected to the home Wi-Fi.

Auto Backup without Cable Connection

Photos and videos automatically backed up to a selected folder on your Windows or Mac whenever your mobile phone and tablet device is connected to your home Wi-Fi network. No cable connection is ever required.

Stored in Native File Formats

The native formats of photos and videos are preserved. Restore to original or alternate device can be done quickly with just a click.

Organized Daily Folders

Backed up photos and videos will be organized into daily folders for easy retrieval when needed.

Hardened System Security by 2FA

This app also serves as a two-factor authentication (2FA) tool to protect your backup data from being deleted by hackers through your AhsayCBS console, AhsayOBM and AhsayACB backup software after your computer is being compromised.

Easy DIY Rebranding

After subscribing to our mobile branding service with a very low cost, partners can get branded mobile app built by our team effortlessly. Click here to view the rebranding fee.

A Great Marketing Tool

Branded partners can send in-app push notifications and news contents to their mobile app users through a mobile management portal.

Backup while charging only

Run backup while your mobile device is charging only ensures backups can be completed.

Power saving mode

Pause backup when battery is low, saving power for other functions.

Free up space

When enabled safely backup contents will be removed from your mobile device to free up storage space.

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