ClickCease Self registered trial user account thru client backup software | Ahsay
AhsayCBS v
Release date:
Ahsay Free Trial Registration
Ahsay offers two types of backup solutions:
Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service 15-day free trial registration
Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS)
For MSPs who prefer not to host or maintain their backup server and infrastructure. With a simple storage-based pricing model, with the option of using either an Ahsay branded or a co-branded service.
No hardware provisioning required.
​No storage provisioning required.​
​No complicated server installation.​
​No advanced technical skills required.​
​No Hassle! Up and running in no time at all.​
The smartest way to start your backup business is to sign up with Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a Service. A platform which allows MSP’s to quickly start their backup business with minimal cost, risk, and time.
As the backup server is hosted and monitored by Ahsay, you can offload all AhsayCBS backup server maintenance and management tasks to our experience IT team. Leaving you to focus 100% on marketing, sales, and customer service to grow your backup business.
A private pre-installed and configured
backup server instance.​
A pre-configured login account to AhsayCBS
backup server web admin console.
​​A customized unique URL​
​A pre-configured AhsayOBM user account.​​
100GB of free cloud storage.
​The login credentials for your environment.​
Register Now!
Click here to Register Now for a 15-day free trial!

Self registered trial user account through client backup software

Ahsay allows an MSP's potential customers to self-register their trial backup user accounts through the AhsayOBM / ACB client software downloaded from MSP's site. Unlimited free trial accounts can ben created. Ahsay won't charge the MSP on those trial accounts.

1. Enable free trial registration feature in AhsayCBS

All you have to do is to enable the free trial registration feature in AhsayCBS, and enable the modules that you allow your users to test.

Self registered trial user account thru client backup software - Step 1

2. Potential user downloads and installs AhsayOBM / AhsayACB client software

Promote the AhsayOBM / AhsayACB download links through your website and social channels for free trial registration. After installation, they can just click the Free Trial button in the client software.

Self registered trial user account thru client backup software - Step 2

3. Connect to AhsayCBS address

You can either let them know the IP or domain of your AhsayCBS for them to connect to, or get this address preconfigured into the AhsayOBM / AhsayACB installers if you have purchased the Rebranding Option.

Self registered trial user account thru client backup software - Step 3

4. Enter trial user information

They just need to fill out simple information for registering their trial accounts.

Self registered trial user account thru client backup software - Step 4

5. Start trying MSP's backup service

After successful user registration, their accounts will be created on your AhsayCBS, and their client softwarew will be logged on, showing the green Trial Version in the front screen.

Self registered trial user account thru client backup software - Step 5

6. User account created on AhsayCBS

In your AhsayCBS central management console, you'll be able to find all the trial users in the Users section.

Self registered trial user account thru client backup software - Step 6

For the details on the free trial registration enablement, please refer to the corresponding section of this AhsayCBS Administrator Guide.