ClickCease Centralized Cloud / Online / Managed Backup Software
AhsayCBS v
Release date:
Ahsay Free Trial Registration
Ahsay offers two types of backup solutions:
Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service 15-day free trial registration
Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS)
For MSPs who prefer not to host or maintain their backup server and infrastructure. With a simple storage-based pricing model, with the option of using either an Ahsay branded or a co-branded service.
No hardware provisioning required.
​No storage provisioning required.​
​No complicated server installation.​
​No advanced technical skills required.​
​No Hassle! Up and running in no time at all.​
The smartest way to start your backup business is to sign up with Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a Service. A platform which allows MSP’s to quickly start their backup business with minimal cost, risk, and time.
As the backup server is hosted and monitored by Ahsay, you can offload all AhsayCBS backup server maintenance and management tasks to our experience IT team. Leaving you to focus 100% on marketing, sales, and customer service to grow your backup business.
A private pre-installed and configured
backup server instance.​
A pre-configured login account to AhsayCBS
backup server web admin console.
​​A customized unique URL​
​A pre-configured AhsayOBM user account.​​
100GB of free cloud storage.
​The login credentials for your environment.​
Register Now!
Click here to Register Now for a 15-day free trial!

Ahsay Backup Software and POODLE Vulnerability

[31st October, 2014] To address the recently-discovered SSLv3 security vulnerability (the "POODLE" vulnerability), we will not support SSLv3 connection between your OBS, RPS, RDR, UBS to the Ahsay License Server starting 12 January 2015. We will support connection over TLS instead.

Impact on our Partners

Our software release (V. will support connections between all our components (OBS-OBM, OBS-RPS, OBS-ALS, etc.) over TLS to stop this security leakage. It is important for you to upgrade your Ahsay Backup Software to this version ASAP to avoid exposing your customers' data to such risk. We will be running in parallel SSLv3 & TLS until early January 2015 so you can plan ahead on your upgrade when we close out on this breach in a timely manner.

Since the connection between OBS and ACB/OBM is also using SSLv3 for Versions earlier than, you should upgrade your client-side software (OBM/ACB) to Version as well to stop this vulnerability on your customer side and protect their data.

After early January 2015

Partners who run on a model that needs regular connection to the Ahsay License Server must upgrade their software to Version or later. Without connection to the Ahsay License Server, your software will not be functional. Such partners include:

On Relaxing License

While perpetual license keys are not affected, relax key request cannot be entertained unless OBS/RPS is Version or above. We understand this will impose additional works for our partners but we cannot keep our License Server vulnerable to attacks which may cause more problems. Partners are therefore recommended to make a plan to upgrade their software to Version as soon as possible.


For detailed instructions on how to upgrade your AhsayOBS/AhsayRDR/AhsayRPS servers to v6.21.2.0 or above, please refer to this KB article. Or you can contact us if you have any further question.