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最新 AhsayCBS v

V6 和 V7 之间的差异

Last modified date: Dec 10, 2015


Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
Apache Tomcat Version
Java Version
Backup Data Structure

Manage System - Server Configuration

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
Login Name & Password
Host Name Important Note:

The hostname / IP address configured must be unique (e.g. it cannot be the same hostname / IP address configured for another sub admin account).

System Home
Policy Home
User Home
Auto Lock User
Email System Settings
Proxy Setting
Windows Active Directory (AD) Integration
Redirector (AhsayRDR)
Windows Event Log
Supported Languages
Help / Install / Show Restore Links
Auto User Home Allocation
Free Trial Options
Configuration Recovery
HTTP / HTTPS Connectors
SSL Certificate
Auto Save
SNMP Monitoring
Runtime Options
Enforce SSL for AhsayCBS console

Manage System - Routine Jobs

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
User Reports
System Reports
System Jobs
Important Note:

The Retention Policy job can only be started via the client application, it is important that the client application is also upgraded to version 7, to ensure that the Retention Policy can be performed via the client application.

Manage System - Software License (AhsayOBS)

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
AhsayCBS Usage
AhsayOBM / ACB Client Usage
Product Expiry Date, Free Upgrade Until Date
Offline Activation

Manage System - Replication Configuration

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
License Requirement
Enable Replication
Use Proxy
Traffic Limit Setting
Selective User Replication
Default settings for new users
Replication Destination
Replication Selection at Backup Set Level
Replication of New Backup Set for Paid / Trial Accounts

Manage System - Other Options

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
In-file Delta Settings for AhsayACB Users
Adgroup & Advertisements

Manage System - System Diagnosis

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
System Information
System Files

Manage Log

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
System Log
Live Activities
Backup Job
Restore File
Backup Error
Backup Set Log
Replication Log
Advertisement Log

Manage User

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
Add User
Export Users' Usage Statistic to CSV
Broardcast Message
Run Backup
Auto Update
Note when upgrading from version 6 to 7:

User Migration
Rebuild Storage Statistic
User Profile
Backup Set
File Explorer
Web Restore via Internet Web Browser
Allowed IP Address
User Log
Effective Policy
Backup Quota
Per Destination Quota
User Group

Manage Group Policy

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
Policy Control List
List User
User Group
Billing Settings
Policy Group
Policy Assignment
Policy Changes from version 6 to 7 N/A
New Policy in version 7 N/A
Default Backup Set
Enforcement Backup Set
Preempted Values

Manage System User

Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
My Profile Important Note:

The hostname / IP address configured for the Host Name setting must be unique (e.g. it cannot be the same hostname / IP address configured for the system admin, or another sub admin account account), for the sub admin's branding to be displayed properly (e.g. the web console, and the corresponding client installer).

Administrative Access
Add System User
List System User
Change Ownership


Version 6 Same in v7? Comments / Changes on v7
Rebrand Web Console
Rebrand Clients