
Partner Portal

最新 AhsayCBS v

POODLE vulnerability: Final reminder

[22nd January, 2015] As we communicated earlier on October 31, 2014, you will need to upgrade your Ahsay Backup Software to Version or above to address the POODLE vulnerability, and likewise, we will upgrade our Ahsay License Server to address this issue. Details can be found by clicking here.

Since some of our partners need more time for their upgrade, we have decided to postpone our Ahsay License Server upgrade to March 4, 2015. So we urge partners who has not upgraded yet to do so in due course. Special Callout to Partners using Meter, Lease, or License Management Portal (LMP).

For our Partners using Meter, Lease, or License Management Portal, your software will be functional only if it is at Version or above so it can connect to our Ahsay License Server. So it is imperative for you to upgrade before the deadline on March 4, 2105 not only to address the POODLE vulnerability, but also to ensure a seamless backup service.

If you have any question regarding the upgrade, please send us a ticket at this link: http://ahsay.com/jsp/en/contact/kbQuestion.jsp